

Welcome to my gap year

Join me on my journey to new countries, exploring different customs and taking on new challenges

Hope you have fun and maybe you’ll feel inspired to try this yourself !

Chilling by the beach in Ifaty

Chilling by the beach in Ifaty

A hotel by the beach

Today I move about five hundred metres to the Princess Du Lagon hotel which is situated directly on the main beach of Ifaty and which will be my home for the next seven nights. I decided to extend my Madagascar trip by an additional week as I felt I would really need some time to chill after such a non-stop ten day itinerary. It is a chance to relax on my own, to reflect on the major life changes that I have made in recent months and also to make plans for the rest of my gap year. So much has happened in such a short time that it is important to take a step back and take stock in order to keep moving forward. My room at the hotel has a beautiful balcony and an amazing ocean view which will provide a fantastic chance to see some beautiful sunrises and sunsets so I know this will provide the atmosphere I need. I can’t wait.

Sunrise yoga

Wherever I go in the world I take my yoga mat with me. One of the my greatest pleasures is to wake early as the sun rises and head for the beach, or if there isn’t a beach nearby I head for the nearest park or open space. I love the feel of the sun on my face and the smell of the fresh morning air as I lay out my yoga mat on my balcony. I’m not sure if people would think of me as a typical yogi, I’m not a size 10, I can’t do headstands and my knee injury limits my ability to do some of the poses but I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and love it. When I am on my yoga mat everything feels good and even though my muscles may be stiff from travelling I soon find myself totally in the zone. For me, my yoga practice centres me and sets me up for whatever the day ahead has to throw at me. Although in this case the day ahead promises only relaxation. Sheer bliss.

My Chillout Zone

The hotel is not very big but it is perfect for me as I prefer to stay at smaller local accommodation instead of the major hotel chains. Local accommodation is usually more friendly and intimate and you soon feel at home as the staff get to know your name. It’s exactly like that at the Princesse Du Lagon everyone greets me by name and even the hotel cat Princesse comes to my table to say hello when I sit down to eat ( although maybe that’s because she realises that I am an animal lover and if she looks at me hungrily with those beautiful eyes she will be treated to some of my food). Ah well ….. at least I feel welcome !! :-)

The staff speak mainly Malagasy and French but very little English and as there is no 3G or 4G in most parts of Madagascar and sporadic connectivity to the hotel Wi-Fi there is no chance to connect to Google translate. Again my schoolgirl French comes in very handy for everyday conversation but if you don’t speak French I recommend you download the French version of Google translate before you leave home or conversation could be very difficult.

The hotel provides lovely wooden daybeds by the pool. They have comfy mattresses and cushions plus curtains to provide privacy and sun protection. This is where I settle myself every day after breakfast. I take the time to read a book or write notes for this blog to publish when I am back to full connectivity.

This is where I remain for most of the first two days totally chilled and relaxed just watching the world go by in this beautiful tranquil little town.

Dining under the stars

While we are on the trip Marc talks to me about his job as a fisherman. He has overheard me telling the chef at the hotel that I would like to have langoustine for dinner but they never have them available. Marc has caught some langoustine this morning and asks me if I would like to buy them and he will cook them for me tonight. I pay him and also give him the money to buy me a bottle of wine and we arrange to meet at the beach outside the hotel at 7pm. When I arrive Marc has spread a tarpaulin on the sand and has cooked the langoustine accompanied by vegetables and has even chilled the wine. It is a very basic setting but the food is delicious and I sit under the light of the stars listening to the waves lapping on the shore. Marc and a couple of the other fisherman sit at the edge of the tarpaulin chatting animatedly in Malagasy. Occasionally we speak in French but most of the time I sit in silence just savouring this truly magical moment. When dinner is over I stroll back to my hotel feeling more relaxed and happy than I have felt in a long while.

Leaving the beach

I spend the next few days relaxing on my daybed finishing my book and before I know it’s time to leave Ifaty and head to the airport in Tulear for my flight back to Antananarivo and then onward to Johannesburg.

Madagascar is the first country I have visited on my gap year and I will never forget this beautiful place. It’s amazing wildlife and wonderful people have found a special place in my heart and have created memories which I will treasure forever so :

Au Revior Madagascar

Vous est vraiment incroyable. J'ai passé des vacances formidables que je n'oublierai jamais.

Kruger National Park – an animal lovers paradise

Kruger National Park – an animal lovers paradise

Visiting the baobab forest outside Ifaty

Visiting the baobab forest outside Ifaty